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Music, Lovely Music

It's amazing how music has the ability to form a mood, break you down, lift you up and carry you through the times. Yesterday, we watched a taped episode of Jon Stewart with a solo Bruce Springsteen playing "Working on a Dream." It brought me to tears...I just love the guy and all he does.

I added a site this morning to my "Places I like to go in Digi-land" - the Elizabeth Mitchell site. She's created 3+ albums of children's music that is wonderful - it is playful, mellow, and completely engaging. Totally for mom's ears as well as kids. I used to walk/nurse my son to sleep to "You Are My Sunshine," then "Going Down the Road," (back when he would be asleep in 2 songs flat...). "Going Down the Road" is a cover of this old bluesy song by Elizabeth Cotten - an African-American woman who lived earlier this century and was this very natural musician. Here it is on a YouTube (this isn't a video, but there are videos of her singing other songs): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwdFhWNL0_M
Elizabeth Mitchell does a lovely, stunning rendition of this song.

Yesterday we also caught a PBS special (accidently dvr'd!!) honoring Paul Simon and watched Alison Krauss and Shawn Colvin singing "The Boxer" - I love listening to Alison Krauss. What a great voice.

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