1. Listening to my son laugh in his sleep. I thought it would end when he became a little boy, but it has only become more prevalent.
2. Getting new fabric in the mail, having a plan for it, and executing those plans!
3. Old white cotton sheets. The worn but still crisp quality. The coolness of them against your skin in the summertime.
4. Reading books (fiction) while on vacation.
5. My hubby's delicious cooking. I'm so grateful I married a cook.
6. A completed collage-card scene.
And with this award comes the chance for me to pass it on! Six lovely bloggers I'd like to pass this on to are:
-Jodi at Joy Discovered. I've known this gal since high school and I love reading her blog, which I have on my sidebar under "friend's blogs" but it really should be under "Blogs for the Soul" because it is.
-Erin at Apples for Poppy Anne, who has created an immediate and well-deserved spark in the blogging world with her lovely photos, inspired writing and her weekly photo pool, It Begins With a Colour...
-Maya at Springtree Road, who is a history buff like myself, and strives to bring her surrounding historical environment into her child's life.
-Nicola at Which Name? who shares her family life with us so regularly and with such gusto!
-Vchelle at Operation You, another "Blog for the Soul" that I just discovered and am thoroughly enjoying reading.
-Krista at this inspired life who introduced me to the concept of non-violent communication and weaves this concept into her daily life and her posts.
I hope each of you pass on this lovely Watermelon Award, as it is a joyful way to pay it forward!
thanks so much, genny! :) these are all excellent blogs to be listed among.
and i agree with your list so whole heartedly!
Genny, you are such a jem to give me this award... Thank you so much! I'm still trying to feel better but your kind words made my heart smile because I want to be good for all of our souls!! thanks again!
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