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a little bit of gold

"A miracle is simply a shift in perception. The more we align ourselves with the principles of love, the more empowered we become."

-Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace

I was reading this book in the middle of one sleepless night recently, and this jumped off the page at me. Thought I'd share it.



Nicola said...

beautiful.how is school going?

Anonymous said...

Love this quote, Genny! Sounds like you picked up the perfect book on your sleepless night. Hope you are back to resting easy.

gardenmama said...

Thank you for sharing this Genny!
Thinking of you, I hope you are well! xo

kyndale said...

I love a really good quote. This is one of them..Thanks. I hope all is well with you.

kate said...

Genny, I love (and needed) this quote! Marianne Williamson is truly a gift! I was talking about the changes in my blog, the shift toward joy:
and I think I just realized, reading this quote, that what my family has experienced with our effort to choose gratitude in our everyday moments, has been like a miracle to us. And as a mama, reading something this simple and to the point speaks such volumes. I'm writing it down now, and will hang it on my quote hook next to the kitchen sink. THanks!

leaningapplemama said...

hi genny...just thought i would stop by to give a little wave...hope all has been going well for you! and i love that quote you shared with us! too true.
xo, pennie

Michelle said...

Hi Genny!! I hope all is going well at school. I keep popping in to see if there's an update, but I know you have your hands full!

Thinking of you & love the quote!!